IBC Promotions
Просмотров: 15523 Tuesday, 29 December 2020  |   Промоутеры



The main goal of the company is to promote talented boxers both here, in the Republic of Moldova and abroad, to educate world champions in the most prestigious versions. The activities of IBC Promotions will enable the fighters to fully implement their plans in sports, and will enable viewers to see fights with the participation of world-class professionals both live and on TV.


One of the company’s objectives is breeding work, the purpose of which is to find and interest gifted boxers who have the potential to reach the top in this sport. The company’s assets will be constantly replenished with new names that possess talent, hard work and set a goal to realize themselves in professional boxing to the maximum.

IBC Promotions SRL

Adresa: mun. Chisinau, str. Nicolaie Dimo, 29/3 ap.9

Persoana de contact:

Alexandru Prisacari

Mob.: +37369022800

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it