array(11) { [0]=> &object(stdClass)#266 (16) { ["title"]=> string(59) "Оборудование для занятий боксом" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 09:07:26" ["introtext"]=> string(7594) "

Оборудование для занятий боксом




Ринг представляет собой квадратную площадку со сторонами от 5 до 6 м, ограниченную со всех сторон тремя - четырьмя рядами канатов. Толщина канатов примерно 2,5 - 3 см. Канаты натягиваются между четырьмя угловыми столбами, крепятся металлическими растяжками. Металлические растяжки прикрываются подушками. Расстояние между углами канатов около 50 - 60 см. Пол ринга обязательно должен иметь ровный мягкий настил, прикрытый туго натянутым брезентом или иным достаточно прочным материалом. Настил выходит за канаты примерно на 60 см. Поблизости ринга, примерно на 1,5 метра не должно находится никаких посторонних предметов. Во время соревнований ринг обычно устанавливается на подиуме высотой равной приблизительно 50 - 100 см.


Боксерская груша

Боксерская груша

Боксёрская груша служит для отработки силы и жёсткости ударов.

Она представляет собой мешок, сделанный в форме груши, благодаря такой форме мешок позволяет отрабатывать прямые удары, боковые удары, а также удары снизу.



Боксерский мешок

Боксерский мешок

Боксёрский мешок служит в основном для развития силы и жесткости удара. Внешняя часть мешка состоит из плотного материала (например, кожи). Мешок может набиваться опилками, полиэтиленовой плёнкой, ветошью...

Обычно внутри мешка находится стержень - мешок меньшего диаметра, набитый песком. Для большей упругости под поверхностью мешка иногда прокладывают войлок.


Боксерские лапы

Боксерские лапы

Боксёрские лапы предназначены для развития точности и постановки техники нанесения ударов.

Боксёрская лапа представляет собой подушку обычно овальной формы, с одной стороны которой расположены крепления для руки.

Лапа изготовляется из плотного материала и набивается войлоком, конским волосом, пенополиэтиленом.


Груша на платформе

Груша состоит из кожаного мяча в форме груши и надувной резиновой камеры внутри. Эта груша предназначена для улучшения скорости и точности ударов.


Груша на растяжках

Груша на растяжках

Груша на растяжках предназначена для отработки скорости и точности ударов.

Она представляет собой мяч из плотного материала (например, кожи), имеющий крепления с двух сторон, что позволяет крепить её в вертикальном положении с помощью резинок.


Настенная подушка

Она служит для отработки силы и жесткости прямых и боковых ударов. Набивку подушки могут составлять пласты поролона (толщиной около 1,5 - 2 см), между которыми проложен войлок. Наиболее подходящие размеры подушки: длина 70 - 100 см, ширина 45 - 50 см. Внешняя поверхность подушки составляет прочный материал (кожа, брезент и т.д.).



Костюм и снаряжение боксера

Костюм и снаряжение боксера

По правилам любительского бокса боксёр должен надевать:

  • трусы
  • майку
  • боксёрские перчатки
  • капу
  • боксёрки
  • боксёрский шлем
  • паховую раковину

Костюм и снаряжение боксера

Перед одеванием боксёрских перчаток руки бинтуются с целью предохранения их от возможных повреждений.

Бинты равняются примерно 2,5 - 4 метрам в длину.







" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-01-27 14:12:35" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(12) "oborudovanie" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "15" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#265 (16) { ["title"]=> string(51) "Принятые в боксе сокращения" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 09:01:53" ["introtext"]=> string(1031) "

Принятые в боксе сокращения


PTS - Победа по очкам
RSCO - Остановка боя рефери
RSCI – Остановка боя рефери ввиду невозможности проведения боя
RSCH - Остановка боя рефери /Удар по голове/
RSCB - Остановка боя рефери /Удар по корпусу/
DISQ - Дисквалификация
RET - Отказ продолжать бой
KOH - Нокаут /Удар по голове/
KOB - Нокаут /Удар по корпусу/
WO - Неявка
NC - Бой не состоялся
OSC - Бой не состоялся по техническим причинам

" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-01-27 14:08:35" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(21) "prineatie-sokrashenia" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "14" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#267 (16) { ["title"]=> string(33) "Весовые категории" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 09:00:02" ["introtext"]=> string(1991) "

Весовые категории



Взрослые (возраст 18-34 лет) 46-49 кг, 52 кг, 56 кг, 60 кг, 64 кг, 69 кг, 75 кг, 81 кг, 91 кг, +91 кг. Число раундов 3 по 3 минуты.
Молодёжь (возраст 17-18 лет) 46-49 кг, 52 кг, 56 кг, 60 кг, 64 кг, 69 кг, 75 кг, 81 кг, 91 кг, +91 кг. Число раундов 3 по 3 минуты.
Юниоры (возраст 15-16 лет) 46 кг, 48 кг, 50 кг, 52 кг, 54 кг, 57 кг, 60 кг, 63 кг,
66 кг, 70 кг, 75 кг, 80 кг, +80 кг. Число раундов 3 по 2 минуты.
Школьники (возраст 13-14 лет) 38,5 кг, 40 кг, 41,5 кг, 43 кг, 44,5 кг, 46 кг, 48 кг, 50 кг, 52 кг, 54 кг, 56 кг, 59 кг, 62 кг, 65 кг, 68 кг, 72 кг, 76 кг, +76 кг. Число раундов 3 по 1,5 минуты.


Взрослые ( возраст 18-34 лет) 48 кг, 51 кг, 54 кг, 57 кг, 60 кг, 64 кг, 69 кг, 75 кг,
81 кг, +81 кг. Число раундов 4 по 2 минуты.
Молодёжь (возраст 17-18 лет) 48 кг, 51 кг, 54 кг, 57 кг, 60 кг, 64 кг, 69 кг, 75 кг,
81 кг, +81 кг. Число раундов 4 по 2 минуты.
Юниоры (возраст 15-16 лет) 46 кг, 48 кг, 50 кг, 52 кг, 54 кг, 57 кг, 60 кг, 63 кг,
66 кг, 70 кг, 75 кг, 80 кг, +80 кг. Число раундов 3 по 2 минуты.

" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-01-27 14:07:23" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(17) "vesovie-kategorii" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "13" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#268 (16) { ["title"]=> string(14) "Техника" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:58:26" ["introtext"]=> string(8395) "

Техника бокса


Для успешных занятий боксом и ведения боя боксеру прежде всего необходимо освоить технику бокса.

Техника бокса представляет собой совокупность приемов защиты и нападения, освоенных в виде двигательных умений и навыков, способных обеспечить наиболее эффективное выполнение поставленной задачи — победу над противником.

Под техникой следует понимать такую рациональность движений, которая способна обеспечить максимальную эффективность от выполняемых боксером действий.

Техника бокса является для боксера тем основным оружием, которым он пользуется в бою, руководствуясь тактическими соображениями. Поэтому техника должна быть усвоена боксером в совершенстве.

Правильное применение хорошо усвоенной техники позволяет быстро и легко выполнять самые сложные и разнообразные действия во время ведения боя.

Сам быстрый темп боя требует, чтобы все движения боксера были максимально целесообразны.

Для техники бокса характерны последовательность и рациональность движений: каждое следующее действие должно как бы вытекать из предыдущего, продолжая его, и выполняться с наименьшими затратами энергии и времени.

Бой на ринге характерен беспрерывностью в чередовании самых разнообразных боевых движений. При этом положение тела, определяя законченность одного движения, одновременно является исходным положением для выполнения следующего движения. Так, в атаках сериями ударов в конце каждого удара боксер принимает исходное положение для выполнения следующего удара или любого
действия, связанного как с нападением, так и с защитой.

В боксе главным и единственным средством достижения победы над противником служит удар.

Одновременно удар является важнейшим компонентом техники современного бокса.

В нанесении удара большую роль играет рациональная координация движений боксера.

Под правильной рациональной координацией движений понимается оптимальное использование силы мышц тела, участвующих в работе при выполнении данного приема, направленное на решение конкретной двигательной задачи.

Основной составляющей каждого приема является движение массы тела и его отдельных частей.

Для достижения максимальной эффективности при нанесении любого удара крайне необходимо, чтобы направление движения бьющей руки и массы тела наносящего удар боксера рационально совпадали.

При нанесении прямых ударов в голову необходимо рациональное совпадение движения массы тела боксера вперед с движением (разгибанием) бьющей руки.

При нанесении прямых ударов в туловище, где присутствует движение массы тела сверху вниз, скорость движения этой массы должна совпадать со скоростью движения бьющей руки.

При нанесении боковых ударов в голову и туловище должно отмечаться совпадение скорости бьющей руки с вращением туловища в направлении нанесения удара.

При нанесении ударов снизу в голову и туловище необходимо совпадение движения массы тела боксера снизу вверх с движением бьющей руки. Скорость движения массы тела в этом случае создают мышцы ног, спины и бьющей руки.

Из курса физики известно, что кинетическую энергию или силу удара, можно вычислить по формуле:


где m— масса, участвующая в нанесении удара; v — скорость д0вижения данной массы.

Исходя из приведенной выше формулы, легко прийти к заключению, что чем больше масса тела используется при нанесении удара и чем больше скорость движения данной массы в нужном направлении, тем больше будет сила удара..

ТехникаПри нанесении ударов противнику боксер стремится поражать его в наиболее уязвимые места. Удар, нанесенный в уязвимое место, может повергнуть противника в нокаут или нокдаун, когда в течении какого-то промежутка времени противник будет находиться в состоянии, не позволяющем ему продолжить бой.

Наиболее уязвимые места на теле боксера указаны на этом рисунке:

К ним относятся:

- нижняя челюсть;

- область расположения печени;

- солнечное сплетение;

- область сердца.






" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-01-27 13:53:58" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(7) "tehnika" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "12" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#269 (16) { ["title"]=> string(35) "Стили боксирования" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:56:51" ["introtext"]=> string(5376) "

Стили боксирования


Стилей боксирования существует много. Стиль, в котором боксирует спортсмен, прорисовывается со временем, в зависимости от манеры ведения боя. Обычно на это влияет внутренняя предрасположенность бойца, а именно физические и моральные качества. Существуют боксеры, которые придерживаются в точности какого-либо одного стиля, но так же и боксеры способные сочетать различные стили бокса в зависимости от ситуации



Стратегия бойца данного типа заключается в сохранении и удержании дистанции с соперником. В арсенале данного боксера, преимущественно, быстрые и длинные джебы. Он хорошо чувствует дистанцию и весьма подвижен, обладает скоростным ударом и хорошей реакцией. Обычно такие боксеры выигрывают у своего соперника по очкам, т.к. не обладают нокаутирующим ударом, хотя существуют и исключения. Чаще всего боксеры подобного типа легковесны, но опять же, существуют и исключения.



В простонародье ударники, нокаутеры. Предпочтительная дистанция – средняя, откуда удобно наносить серии и сильные прицельные одиночные удары. Чуть менее подвижны, чем Аутфайтеры. Большинство побед в активе у данных бойцов зарабатывается нокаутами. Обладают хорошей физической формой.


Слаггер / Браулер

Прямолинейные в тактике и малоподвижные бойцы, обладающие хорошим нокаутирующим ударом. Неудобными соперниками считаются Аутфайтеры и подвижные Панчеры. Слаггеры всегда идут в перед с расчетом нанести одиночный результативный удар, который способен повергнуть соперника в нокдаун. Подобные боксеры должны быть выносливыми и всегда готовыми нанести прицельный решающий исход поединка удар. Из-за своей предсказуемости в атаке часто наталкиваются на встречные джебы, поэтому умение держать удар очень важная особенность данных бойцов. Слагеры обладают выносливостью, хорошей физической силой. Умеют устоять при атаке соперника и в нужный момент нанести сокрушающий удар.


Свормер / Инфайтер

Любимая дистанция – ближняя. Войдя в нее наносят противнику короткие силовые комбинации из хуков и апперкотов. Хорошо держат встречные удары (джебы соперника), которыми осыпает их противник при попытки входа в ближнюю дистанцию. Обычно это агрессивные взрывные бойцы, опирающиеся на сокрушительные серии ударов, из-за чего меньше уделяют внимание технике, т.к. основная цель – быстро сблизиться и «подавить противника огнем». Основная защита – это уклоны, которым способствует рост – около 180 см. Отличительные качества Инфайтера – умение держать удар, выносливость, агрессивность атаки, большая сила удара.





" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-01-27 13:45:43" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(5) "stili" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "11" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#270 (16) { ["title"]=> string(14) "Правила" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:54:29" ["introtext"]=> string(2417) "

Правила бокса


Скачать Открытые соревнования по боксу Международной ассоциации бокса (AOB) ПРАВИЛА СОРЕВНОВАНИЙ





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" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2017-12-26 15:41:36" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(7) "pravila" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(2) "10" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [6]=> object(stdClass)#271 (16) { ["title"]=> string(16) "Партнеры" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:27:18" ["introtext"]=> string(50) "



" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2011-09-15 11:32:11" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(8) "partneri" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(1) "9" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [7]=> object(stdClass)#272 (16) { ["title"]=> string(3) "FAQ" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:26:04" ["introtext"]=> string(24) "



" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2011-09-15 11:32:00" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(3) "faq" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(237) "show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore=" ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(1) "8" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [8]=> object(stdClass)#273 (16) { ["title"]=> string(14) "Boxing Schools" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:24:35" ["introtext"]=> string(14480) "

Boxing Schools


Botanica – Olympic Reserve Sport School
Coaches: Leonid Tomsa, phone: 0691-53-563
Vladimir Papasenco, phone: 0685-36-841

Rascani “Junior” Club
Coaches: Andrei Gusan, phone: 0794- 41-925
Tudor Ceban, phone: 0697-55-831

Buiucani – residence club 
Coach: Iurie Paraschiv, phone: 0692-71-322

Specialized Sport School of Boxing, Wrestling and Kickboxing
Coaches: Anatol Pica, phone: 0797-969-24
Gheorghe Bugneac, phone: 0792-44-528


Currently, the boxing is practiced in 23 regions of the country.



In this city, in 1947, the first page of the Moldovan boxing history was opened. In the Pushkin Park, under the open sky, the first Championship of Moldova took place. In 1956, the capital boxers obtained the first remarkable results on the All-Union arena. Then, at the Championship of the All-Union Society “Pishevik”, the Chisinau residents, Mihail Gluhov and Pavel Luscevschii became silver medalists.

In the capital of Moldova, the boxing was promoted by the “Labor Reserves”, “Dinamo” and “Moldova”. This kind of sport was particularly popular among university students. Mihail Agulnicov, Municipal Federation President, at that time associate professor at the Polytechnic Institute made significant efforts with a view to developing boxing in Chisinau.

Within the 3rd Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR held in 1963, the Chisinau residents, Vasile Peata and Alexandru Nefedov, obtained silver and respectively, bronze medals.

At various tournaments organized by the All-Union societies “Dinamo” and “Labor Reserves”, the capital boxers obtained dozens of medals. The list of winners within those tournaments includes: D. Cozlov, G. Cuznetov, V. Dolgov, M. Lapteacru, L.Tomsa, A. Mileah, G. Buzilo, E. Jiltov and others.

The boxers from Chisinau, for a period of many years, kept leading positions in the country as for the number of prizes in various domestic and All-Union tournaments.

The founding of the Youth Sports School by the Voluntary Sports Society "Moldova" in 1982 played a key role in the development of boxing. The head of this school was Alexander Zaicik. The coaches working there were: G. Bugneac, A. Pica, I. Paraschiv and O. Diteatin. The school became the “Moldova” Society boxing center. During those years, a lot of various competitions were held. Particularly popular was the Tournament dedicated to the Civil War hero “Sergei Lazo”. This included a Master of Sports of the USSR qualification normative.

In 1988, within the All-Union contest for the best organization of mass-sports activity and training of qualified athletes, of the 540 boxing school, the Moldovan one ranked 4th.

Between the years 1995-2000, within the Republican Championships, Chisinau was winning around 5-6 gold medals each time. Starting with 2001, the Chisinau boxing positions were strongly shaken. Thus, Moldovan champions became only three boxers from Chisinau, in 2002 - two, in 2003 - two, and in 2004 - two, in 2005 – two and in 2006 – three.

Serious competitors for the Chisinau boxers became the representatives of Grimancauti village and Tiraspol city.

Currently, there are boxing sections operating within the specialized school of the “Olimpia” Club (director Leonid Stotchii, senior coach Leonid Tomsa, coaches: Iurii Ermacov and Iurii Safonov). In this school were brought up many excellent boxers. Among them should be mentioned the multiple champion of Moldova, Ivan Gaivan, who in 2002 won the bronze medal at the European Championship. The Specialized Sport School of Boxing, Wrestling and Kickboxing (director Ion Bogdan, senior coach Gr. Liutii; coach: A. Gusan), School of the highest sports mastery No.2. G. Bugneac and A. Pica are working here as coaches. Their pupils become often winners of many prestigious tournaments, including the Republic Championships. School of the highest sports mastery No.2 is proud to have launched the International Master of Sports, Ion Gonta. Currently, Ion practices professional boxing. He achieved excellent results, such as the golden belt of the European Union Boxing Championship (according to ЕВУ).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the capital boxing was and continues to be the main link of the country pugilistic life, whose merits can not be underestimated.


The specialized Boxing School from Grimancauti village was founded in 2000, based on the local boxing section. Taking into account the performances of the local athletes, the Government of the Republic of Moldova found the possibility to allocate money necessary for the construction of a boxing centre. This was put into operation in 2004. Currently, it is the main platform where the national team is trained for international competitions.

The center has a specialized room endowed with a ring, boxing equipment and other machinery; a hall for general physical training equipped with 12 training devices; a rest room; showers, sauna, kitchen. In winter the building is heated by a boiler that runs on natural gas.

Currently, the center trains about 100 young athletes from the country villages.

Between the years 1997 – 2007, the Grimancauti School prepared 46 champions of the Republic among adults and 58 among juniors and cadets.

The Grimancauti School trainees obtained the following results:

- one bronze medal within the Olympic Games in Sydney, 2000 – V. Grusac;
- one silver medal within the European Championship, 2002 – V. Gojan;
- one silver medal within the World Championship among students, 2006 – M. Muntean;
- two silver medals within the European Cup, 1999 – V. Grusac and O. Ticu;
- one bronze medal within the European Cup, 1999  – O. Lesnic;
- two bronze medals within the European Championship among cadets, 1997– V. Bejenari and T. Lavric;
- four bronze medals within the European Championship among pupils: 2004 – V. Mateiciuc, R. Todosciuc; 2005 – I. Procopisin; 2006 – V. Berzoi;
- 95 medals (31 golden, 31 silver and 33 bronze) – within international tournaments, А Class.

The school has also trained: 1 Honored Master of Sports, 5 International Master of Sports, 11 Masters of Sports, 2 Honored Coaches of Moldova and 2 International Referees.

The school operates under the auspices of Central Sports Club “Dinamo”.

The school holds, on an annual basis, the “P. Luscevschi” international memorial tournament as well as a tournament for children entitled “The young Dynamo player”.

The school principal is Svetlana Caduc. Senior coach – Petru Caduc.



The Youth Sports School from Balti was opened in 1959. In 1962, the boxing section was headed by the discharged sailor, Boris Petuhov. He worked very hard and managed to create appropriate conditions for training, coaching staff selection and referees’ preparation. The results appeared shortly after. A few years later, in Balti appeared the first Masters of Sports of the USSR. They were: Grigore Tisari, Leonid Ghesele and Eduard Miscenco. They, like other boxers, repeatedly won the title of Moldova champions and became winners of several republican and All-Union competitions.

Subsequently, the title of Master of Sports of the USSR was obtained by M. Zerchin, M. Ghil, M. Trahtenberg, P. Abdicasev, V. Carelov, Simac brothers, T. Screabin, S. Cricunov and others.

The school athletes have achieved good results within All-Union competitions as well. Within the 5th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR held in 1971, L. Ghesele obtained the 5th place. The All-Union Central Trade Union Council champion title was won by M. Zerchin. At the first All-Union Youth Games, P. Abdicasev took the silver, while A. Babii and V. Simac, within the All-Union Spartakiad among pupils took the bronze. The disciple of the coach G. Tisari, S. Cricunov, in 1979 won the USSR Championship among juniors, and in 1981 – golden medal within the All-Union Spartakiad among pupils.

In Balti, the tournament held in the memory of Boris Glavan was highly popular. Among its winners, over the years, were pupils of the boxing school such as L. Ghesele, V. Goltman, M. Trahtenbertg, M. Ribalca, V. Tcacenco, P. Abdicasev, S. Boico, I. Pupcov, A. Pica and V. Carelov.

Within the 8th Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR which took place in Moscow, S. Cricunov (coach: G. Tisari) won the bronze medal.

In 1987, at the USSR Championship, T. Scriabin (coach: L. Ghesele) took the 3rd place, in 1988 won bronze medal in the Olympic Games in Seoul, and in 1989 becomes the winner of the USSR Championship.

In 1993, the Balti boxing school pupil, V. Gavriliuc (coach: Iu.Iachimov) won the bronze medal within the European Championship held in Greece. In the same year, A. Grusevschi (coach: A. Curosu) ranked third at the European Cup. In 1989, S. Guranda (coach: V. Simac) won the bronze medal within the European Championship in Croatia. In 2003, within the European Championship (Youth), D. Ursu (coach: V. Simac) ranked 5th, and in 2005 won the silver within the Boxing World Cup among oil producing countries in Nizhnevartovsk (Russia). In 2006, P. Sapesco (coach: A. Curosu) won the bronze medal within the European Championship among pupils. During the same year, D. Ursu ranks third within the World Championship among students, Almaty.

Between the years 1962 – 2006, in Balti were prepared 44 Masters of Sports. Today, the boxing school has a very qualified boxing coaching staff – V. Simac, Master of Sports of the USSR, high rank coach; A. Curosu, Master of Sports of the USSR, 1st rank coach; I. Pupcov, Master of Sports of the USSR, 2nd rank coach; I. Buruianov, 1st rank coach; Iu.Iachimov, Honored Coach of Moldova.

In Balti is held the annual International Tournament dedicated to the memory of the Honored Coach of Moldova, Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports, referee of the Olympic Games in Moscow, 1980, Boris Petuhov.

An important contribution to the development of boxing in Balti is brought by the current president of the municipal federation, Master of Sports, Andrei Capsamun.



In this city, situated on the left bank of Nistru River, boxing is one of the leading sports among young people. The first boxing school was opened in the late forties. In 1947, Rostislav Sutov from Tiraspol participated within the first Championship of Moldova, where he won the golden medal.

Since then, much time has passed. The Tiraspol boxing continues its development. Here were trained many wonderful organizers, coaches and referees. In this connection, we would like to mention Boris Oiherman, Evghenii Bojco, Anatol Romanco and Vladimir Poddubnii. Among the today coaches who stand out through a prolific activity are Victor Cazanji, Victor Chinul, Vladimir Ghetmanciuc, Maxim Certicovtev, Anatolii Dovgopol and others.

Well, among the athletes, the International Master of Sports, Igor Samoilenco, has no equal. He participated at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, 1996, and Athena, 2002, and won the title of Moldova Champion 12 times. In Tiraspol is rising a new generation of boxers, worthy of the reputation of their predecessors. Suffice it to mention the name of Alexandru Riscan, who at the age of 18 has already won one golden medal, two silver medals and one bronze medal, all of European origin.

Today Tiraspol is considered as one of the Moldovan boxing leaders. This is largely due to its right-flank detachment of this courageous kind of sports’ enthusiasts. A lot of good words can also be said against those who fruitfully work in the field of boxing in Bender, Ciadir-Lunga, Cahul, Hincesti, Comrat, Dnestrovsk, Orhei, Ungheni and Vulcanesti. In these regions are prepared very good athletes who periodically represent the country’s flag and defend its good reputation within international competitions.


" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2012-11-08 12:30:03" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(14) "boxing-schools" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(315) "created_by=62 created_by_alias= access=0 created= publish_up= publish_down= show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore= " ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(1) "7" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [9]=> object(stdClass)#275 (16) { ["title"]=> string(27) "Honored Referees of Moldova" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:22:55" ["introtext"]=> string(4499) "

Honored Referees of Moldova


Anatol Caigorodov was born in1959. He was given the state award – “OM EMERIT” medal.

Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Moldova. Master of Sports of the USSR in boxing. 

He started to work as a referee in 1983. In 1987 became a National Referee and in 1991 – an All-Union Referee.

He refereed USSR Championships and Cups, including ones involving notorious boxers and world champions as Vitalii Klitschko, Oleg Mascaev, Constantin Dziu, Alexandr Lebzeac and others. In 1995 he becomes an International Referee. He is among the first 3-star AIBA International Referees.

For the first time in the history of Moldovan sports and boxing, he was invited by the International Olympic Committee at the boxers’ tournament in the Beijing Olympics, 2008. He refereed the most prestigious final fight of the super heavyweights in the Olympics.

He participated in the refereeing of:
- 11 World Championships among juniors, soldiers, students and women, including 3 – among elite boxers (2005 in China, 2007 in SUA and 2009 in Italia)
- 15 European Championships among pupils, juniors, youth and students, including 5 - among elite boxers (1998 - Belarus, 2002 – Russia, 2004 - Croatia , 2006 - Bulgaria , 2010 – Turkey)
- 11 Olympic Games Qualification Tournaments (2000 - 2004 - 2008 – 2012) 
- over 50 AIBA international tournaments
- approximately 50 championships of Moldova as Main Referee

In 2010 completed the course of Referees and Judges Instructors within the AIBA Boxing Academy in Canada. 

Since 2010, he is the referee of the WSB Professional Boxing International League. He participated in 15 matches in China, Macau, Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Korea, Germany, Italy, France and Turkey, including 74 fights as referee and side judge.



Кадук Игорь

Caduc Igor, Briceni
AIBA 3 Star Referee
Participated in:
Youth World Championship, Baku, 2010
Women's World Championship, Barbados, 2010
Women's World Championship, Antalya, 2011
European Championship among Cadets, Kaunas, 2003
European Championship among Cadets, Saratov, 2004
Athens Olympics Qualifying Tournament, 2004



Поддубный Владимир

Poddubnii Vladimir – Tiraspol
AIBA 3 Star Referee
Participated in:
European Championship among juniors, 2002, Ukraine
World Championship among juniors, 2003, Romania 
Youth European Championship, 2003, Poland 
Youth World Championship, 2004, South Korea
European Championship among juniors, 2008, Bulgaria 
European Championship among pupils, 2009, Russia 
European Championship among pupils, 2010, Bulgaria



Valeriu Bandalac – Briceni, Grimancauti 
AIBA 2 Star Referee
Participated in:
Youth European Championship, Tallinn (Estonia), 2005
European Championship among pupils, Nikolaev (Ukraine), 2006
Youth European Championship, Szczecin (Poland), 2009
European Championship among juniors, Lvov (Ukraine), 2010 
25 А Class International Tournaments.

" ["fulltext"]=> string(0) "" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2020-04-06 13:48:27" ["stitle"]=> string(8) "Articles" ["slug"]=> string(27) "honored-referees-of-moldova" ["catslug"]=> string(3) "box" ["cattitle"]=> string(13) "О боксе" ["author"]=> string(5) "admin" ["created_by_alias"]=> string(0) "" ["attribs"]=> string(315) "created_by=62 created_by_alias= access=0 created= publish_up= publish_down= show_title=0 link_titles= show_intro= show_section= link_section= show_category= link_category= show_vote= show_author= show_create_date= show_modify_date= show_pdf_icon= show_print_icon= show_email_icon= language=ru-RU keyref= readmore= " ["readmore"]=> string(1) "0" ["id"]=> string(1) "6" ["catid"]=> string(1) "2" ["sectionid"]=> string(1) "1" } [10]=> object(stdClass)#276 (16) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Honored coaches of Moldova" ["created"]=> string(19) "2011-09-07 08:20:12" ["introtext"]=> string(10751) "

Honored coaches of Moldova


Igor Untila - head coach of the national team.

Higher education in the field of sports.

For four years he worked as a director of the Hincesti district sports school.

Since 2014 he is a member of the European Commission of EUBC coaches.

In 2017, he worked as head coach of the Spanish youth team.

In 2018 he was awarded the medal "For civil merit".

As a coach, he won with his students 8 medals at the European Championships among cadets, juniors, youth, U 22.

He prepared a number of national and international champions of different age categories.

From 2014 to 2019 was the coach of the youth team and the U 22 team.

Married, has three children.

Speaks four languages.


Petru Caduchonored coach of Moldova (download file)


Eugen Belii - tenfold champion of Chisinau, Champion of Moldova in 1951. He trained over 20 winners of All-Union tournaments. Since 1951 he works as a coach (download file)


Andrei Gusan - one of the famous Moldovan boxers, master of sports, multiple champion of the republic, holder of numerous awards in competitions of the highest rank (download file)


Dovgopol Anatolii (Tiraspol)


Certicovtev Maxim (Tiraspol)


Simac Veaceslav (Balti)


Iachimov Iurii (Balti)


Peata Vasile (Chisinau)


Teberneac Petru (Grimancauti)


Bugneac Gheorghe (Chisinau) - born on April 16, 1952. He started practicing boxing when he was 16 years old. Achievements: winner of the Junior Championship  (1972), champion of Moldova (1973, 63kg), winner of the All-Union “A. Kovpaka” tournament (Ivano-Francovsc-73), champion of Odessa WC (1973, 74), bronze medalist within the IT "Friendship", Plovdiv city (1975). In 1978 begins activating as a coach and in 1987 graduates from the Pedagogical Institute of Chisinau. Is given the Honored Coach of Moldova title (2000).

Among his disciples are several outstanding athletes:

- Octavian Tacu - International Master of Sports, participant within the OG (Atlanta-96), silver medalist at the European Cup (Lvov-99), winner of the IT (Belgrad-03), 7 times champion of Moldova, Head of Department (Free International University of Moldova).

- Ion Soltoianu - International Master of Sports, Champion of the USSR (1990), Champion of Russia in hand-to-hand fighting (1991-1992), European champion in Pankration (1996), World Cup medalist in kickboxing (2001), bronze winner within the World Championship at unifight (Samara-01).

- Ivan Gonta – International Master of Sports, winner of the Balkaniad (1998), silver winner at the European Cup (Lvov-99), since 1999 practices professional boxing - Champion of Eurasia (2001), CIS (2004, 06, 07), Eastern Europe (2007).


Vladimir Poddubnii (Tiraspol) – born on February 16, 1943 in Krasnodar. In 1960, in Sevastopol, he started practicing boxing.  Since 1965 he is trained, in Tiraspol, by R. Sustov. In 1966, he became Master of Sports of the USSR, bronze medalist within the AUCCTU Championship (1969). In 1972 graduates from the Chisinau State University and begins to work as a coach. Between the years 1979-83 prepares the Moldovan boxers for the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. Honored Coach of Moldova (1999), international category referee AIBA (Tiraspol).

Among his disciples are:

- I. Omelianov – winner of the USSR Championship (1979) 
- S. Conisev– bronze winner within the Youth Games (Minsk-83), 
- known trainers, experts in sports V. Ghetmanciuc and I. Dercacenco 
- 4-time champion of Moldova, Master of Sports, E. Cernovol


Leonid Tomsa (Chisinau) – born on March 10, 1951, Master of Sports of the USSR, 6 times champion of MSSR, 4 times winner of the All-Union „B-Glavan” Tournament from Balti (coach – P. Luscevschii), member of the Voluntary Sports Society "Dinamo" team (1971-74). Winner of bronze at the All-Union Spartakiad of the “Labor Reserves” Voluntary Sports Society (1972), in the same year starts working as a coach, coach of the All-Union Voluntary Sports Society "Labor Reserves" (1979-93), and in 1995 becomes Honored Coach of Moldova.

Among his disciples are:

- V. Raghevici – champion and winner within USSR Championships (1979-81), 
- V. Spaga – bronze winner in the USSR Championship (1981), 
- A. Duracov – bronze winner in the USSR Championship (1986), 
- I. Cernei – laureate of USSR Championships (1987,88) and Europe Championship (1988), 
- A. Izman - bronze winner in the USSR Championship (1988), 
- I. Gaivan – International Master of Sports, bronze winner in the Europe Championship (Perm-02), 5 times champion of Moldova.


Luscevschii Pavel (Chisinau)


Tisari Grigore (Balti)


Petuhov Boris (Balti) - (1934-95) – Master of Sports, Honored Coach of Moldova, international category referee, Balti boxing organizer, starting with 1969 – director of the Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve. As a coach, he trained several masters of the ring, such as – Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach, Grigore Tisari (currently lives in the town of Odessa), Master of Sports of the USSR, V. Ghesele, bronze winner at the USSR Championship (Leningrad-67) and S. Filimonov. He activated as a referee within the VII-IX Spartakiades of Peoples of USSR, as well as in XX and XXII Olympic Games, author of the books "К спортивной зрелости" and "Город зажигает огни".


Taranenco Vladimir


Scripnic Alexandru (Chisinau) – Honored Coach of Moldova and Ukraine. He graduated from the Technical University of Physical Education from Voroshilovgrad, for 6 years he trained the National Team of the USSR. Among his disciples are International Maters of Sports: СIurii Bogdanov and the champion of the URSS (1981) Serghei Micinic, winner of the bronze medal within the USSR Cup (1986) Serghei Screabin and the Champion of Moldova(2000) Alexandru Petrovschii. A. Scripnic lives in the city of Poltava since 2001.


Timofei Scriabin is one of the best of his disciples. In 1985 he moves from Balti (coach V. Ghesele) to Chisinau, where he is trained by A. Scripnic, wins the bronze medal in the Seoul OG (1988), becomes champion of the USSR (1989, 90) and vice-champion of Europe (1989), CIS champion (1993) and winner of the Goodwill Games (1994).


Boris Ghitman - trained Moldova boxing team for over 10 years, prepared several talented athletes: Dumitru Cozlov, Veaceslav Poslovschii, Boris Mazur and Leonid Roitman. He did a lot for the Russian boxing as well, especially when he lived in Magadan (1968-76). Boris Ghitman is a Honored Coach of Russia, Master of Sports of the USSR, first director of the Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve from Magadan. Due to the fact that he developed and applied new instructive and educational methods, he obtained exceptional results - prepared masters in just 2-3 years. Precisely for this reason, Valerii Udovic, only after 2 years of training, won the USSR Championship.

Among his disciples are – the USSR champion (1978) Igor Vosotchii, who twice (1973, 76) knocked out three-fold Olympic Champion, Teofil Stivenson (1975, 79, 81) and double Olympic medalist (1976, 80) Victor Ribacov. He coached the national squad of Jamaica for the OG in 1984, the Korean squad for the OG in 1988, where the Korean boxer Pak Shi Han (71 kg) became Olympic champion, beating Roy Jones in the final fight.


Boris Ghitman, since 1976, resides in Toronto, where he founded an European school of boxing, trains young athletes and is one of Canada's team tutors. Within the Canadian Championship, which took place in Vancouver suburban area, Richmond, November, 2007, the European boxing school pupil, Tamerlan Culiev, won the silver medal. His mentors - Master of Sports of the USSR, Efim Gorjeliton, and the Honored Coach, Boris Ghitman, do not hide their excitement: in two and a half years they managed to prepare a wonderful fighter, for the first time the Canadian team included a representative of the Russian-speaking community.

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